Fazenda Boa Terra
We run a small CSA serving our community. All CSA share pickups are right from our Farmers Market giving our members real value and total control over their share each week. We focus on producing high quality produce and teach aspiring farmers how to do the same with internships and apprenticeships. We also have a number of volunteers and worker share openings. Nestled in the Wisconsin River Valley at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin we work closely with our partners have many ways to allow the public, CSA members, and our community to experience the unparalleled landscape of Taliesin and to engage with it's rich cultural, and agricultural past while playing a role in shaping its future.
Spring Green
Extra Large - Enough to split between households or have extra produce for preserving, Standard - Enough to feed a family of 4, Market share
Weekly: Delivered every week, usually for about 20 weeks from June through October, Every Other Week: Delivered every two weeks, Worker Share: Work in exchange for your CSA share. Most farms require ~a 4-hour weekly commitment in exchange for a standard share, Market Share: Members get a credit at your market table and buy what they want, up to that credit, over the season, Free Choice Share: Members pay one set share price and pack what they want in whatever quantity from the CSA display whenever they want (some restrictions may apply)