Are you interested in starting or improving a workplace CSA program? Whether your workplace is a small business, large corporation, school or agency, FairShare can help you develop a robust CSA program that’s just the right fit.
Convenience – No more fighting traffic or dealing with tired kids when you pick up your box after work. Leave work with your veggies and save shopping and driving time.
Camaraderie – Enjoy the fun of opening your box in the company of your colleagues! Swap veggies, share recipes, and experience CSA with your colleagues. Single-person households can easily band together to split a share or add-ons, and when you go on vacation, it’s easy to find a friend to take your box.
Community – Workplace CSA brings people together from across many different departments for the fun of unpacking CSA shares once a week. Take it a step further by holding a CSA potluck or visiting your farm together!
Offering a workplace CSA program is a low-cost, concrete means of contributing to your company’s wellness and sustainability goals, and shows employees you care. Many businesses are treating workplace CSA like a new employee benefit! Workplace CSA programs are increasing across Southern Wisconsin.
Learn how FairShare can help you incorporate fresh food into your workplace, strengthen your community, AND support local farms. We are able to offer assistance on a fee-for-service basis (see below).
All partners will receive the Workplace CSA Toolkit for Businesses.
Premium level partnerships are recommended for companies with multiple locations and are seeking to be matched with farms at all locations.
Premium level partnerships include:
Initial consultation and evaluation planning (phone meeting to create evaluation and communications timelines)
Farm matching service & selection meeting (phone meeting to review top farm choices)
½ Day program launch site visit to include:
Promotional Lunch & Learn for employees
Workplace CSA Pick-up Site Visit & Troubleshooting
Workplace incentives meeting with HR or other stakeholders (to discuss ideas for wellness or employee incentives)
Early Season Lunch & Learn presentation for program participants
Mid-Season coordinator check-in (to evaluate progress and troubleshoot)
Post Season wrap-up & planning for next season

Standard level partnerships are recommended for employers who are seeking to be matched with a farm.

Standard partnerships include:
Initial consultation and evaluation planning (phone meeting to create evaluation and communications timelines)
Farm matching service
Program launch site visit to include:
Promotional Lunch & Learn for employees
Workplace CSA Pick-up Site Visit & Troubleshooting
Mid-Season coordinator check-in (to evaluate progress and troubleshoot)
Post Season wrap-up & planning for next season
Limited partnerships are recommended for employers who are seeking employee education and will find a CSA on their own.
Limited partnerships include:
Initial consultation and evaluation planning (phone meeting to create evaluation and communications timelines)
Lunch & Learn for employees
Post Season wrap-up meeting
Contact Beth Knorr, beth@csacoalition.org, or call (608) 226-0300.