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My Fine Homestead

The mission of our 56-acre farm is growing nutritious food year-round for our family, farm members, and community by nourishing the soil, by respecting our animals’ inherent nature and by caring for our family.

We actively compost, rotate crops, cover crop, and use beneficial insects to produce flavorful food that we not only can’t wait to eat but are proud to sell to others.

We offer Yearly Farm Memberships or shares by the season - Spring, Summer (standard and half sizes available weekly or every other week) and Winter. We also have Meat, Eggs & Sweet Shares (chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, maple syrup, vanilla) in summer and as winter or yearly add-ons.

We are happy to make our living by sharing the bounty of our 65 farm member families. Visit us at


North, South, East, West

Spring Green, Richland Center, Mazomanie


Standard - Enough to feed a family of 4, Small - Enough to feed a couple, or a family with young kids, or a family that cooks a few nights a week, Market share


Weekly: Delivered every week, usually for about 20 weeks from June through October, Every Other Week: Delivered every two weeks, Worker Share: Work in exchange for your CSA share. Most farms require ~a 4-hour weekly commitment in exchange for a standard share, Market Share: Members get a credit at your market table and buy what they want, up to that credit, over the season

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