Whitefeather Organics
We bought land for Whitefeather Organics in fall of 2006. The Whitefeather family has been passionately building the farm from scratch. We raise a diverse range of vegetables, mushrooms, fruit, poultry, and pigs. Crop rotation and garden separation are used to control disease and pests. For soil nutrition, we use intense cover cropping, grazing, and a large farm-based compost. Our crops are harvested weekly and delivered fresh servicing the Custer, Plover, Stevens Point, Waupaca and Wisconsin Rapids areas. We incorporate new crops and explore new ideas every year. Sustainability for community is the goal and we keep that in mind in every aspect of our farm, from where we get our energy to how we build our buildings. We love to have events to bring in the farm’s benefactors to increase the food-farm connection.
Custer, Plover, Stevens Point, Wisconsin Rapids, Weston
Standard - Enough to feed a family of 4
Weekly: Delivered every week, usually for about 20 weeks from June through October, Every Other Week: Delivered every two weeks, Worker Share: Work in exchange for your CSA share. Most farms require ~a 4-hour weekly commitment in exchange for a standard share