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Saddled up for bike the barns

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

I arrived at Badger Prairie County Park at just past 6 AM on Sunday morning, September 17th. It was chilly and the sun hadn't risen yet; I found everyone working quietly in the dark.

I had spent my summer helping to plan logistics for the event - permits, music, bus activities, etc. - and was apprehensive about the day ahead of me, worried about all the different pieces that could go wrong. The sunrise lit up the foggy sky, and after helping with some of the initial set-up, I departed, bleary eyed, to Crossroads Community Farm.

As I ran around the farm with my lovely co-captain Jill, doing our checks, I was overwhelmed with joy at how well things had come together. I felt so connected to everyone. Julie, who ran the bouquet-making bus activity, and whom I spent many weeks communicating with about logistics; our volunteers, Maggie, Joe, and Nicole, who worked energetically to make sure things ran smoothly on site; our famers, Cassie and Mike, who ran engaging tours and were kind enough to let us use their space and resources; and Amanda Jane Hoffman, who set the tone beautifully with her music. Every person on-site - the mechanic, the food vendors, the HAM operator, the bus drivers (who happily navigated tricky terrain), contributed to making the Crossroads stop a success. The FairShare community felt limitless.

Over the months leading up to the event, I had the privilege of watching Sadie navigate with patience and expertise to ensure that each stop had delicious meals from local vendors that utilized produce sourced from local FairShare network farms. The result of this labor at the Crossroads farm stop was Vibrant Veg's Farm Girl Caviar Tostadas and Rude Brew kombucha, which I savored as I sat amidst the bikers and admired the view.

I found that I did not tire in the way I had expected that day. 20,000 steps later I still felt alert and excited as I began work at the after-party, helping the lovely folks at Just Veggiez serve their tasty vegan dishes to enthusiastic riders. Although I was sad about not being able to see every stop come to life, I was grateful that I was able to see the beginning and end. Despite the long day and effort, I went home that evening grateful, feeling content with a day well spent.

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